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Tribes Of Nagaland And The Catholic Church: A Journey Together

Tribes Of Nagaland And The Catholic Church: A Journey Together

Sold By:   Vitasta Publishing

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ISBN 13 9789390961467
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 464
Release Year 2022
Author Rev. Fr Thomas John
Category Religion   Religious Studies   Christianity   History of Religion  
Weight 390.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 20.00 x 3.50

Product Details

Tribes of Nagaland and the Catholic Church is a valuable treatise on the history and contribution of the Catholic Church in Nagaland and the role it played in the development of the State. It traces the roots, growth and the influence Catholic Church had on the people and the state in general. Recalling the immense sacrifice the earlier Catholic missionaries and lay leaders made, the book also highlights the struggles of social isolation, indifference, threats and expulsion that they faced on account of their Catholicism.