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Reflections on Indian Thought: Fourteen Essays

Reflections on Indian Thought: Fourteen Essays

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Short Description

It has several essays on multiple aspects of the large themes of time and consciousness, penetrating analysis showing how in the ancient discourse ideas of klesha (affliction), abhyasa (practice) and karuna (compassion) as well as on women and values were dealt with. There are also deliberations on the themes of religious diversity and the need for an encounter of world-religions along with the attempt to explore India’s self-image.

More Information

ISBN 13 9788124609996
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 228
Edition 1st
Release Year 2020
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author Anindita Niyogi Balslev
Category Philosophy   Eastern   Religion  
Weight 550.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

Product Details

This anthology, consisting of fourteen essays, deals with a variety of themes that are of central importance for an authentic appreciation of the philosophical core of the Indian culture. The readers will find here illuminating discussions on various issues that bear witness to the critical thinking and deep reflection on the part of the author that have enabled her to carefully expose the subtle internal divergences that nourish the Indian conceptual world. Based on arduous and painstaking research, these essays focus on a range of topics. There are several essays on multiple aspects of the large themes of time and consciousness, penetrating analysis showing how in the ancient discourse ideas of klesha (affliction), abhyasa (practice) and karuna (compassion) as well as on women and values are dealt with. There are also deliberations on the themes of religious diversity and the need for an encounter of world religions along with the attempt to explore India’s self-image. All these have contemporary relevance, as these essays clearly bring out the distinctive character of a living culture.