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Love Or Obsession (A Romantic Thriller)

Love Or Obsession (A Romantic Thriller)

Sold By:   Anuradha Prakashan

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ISBN 13 9789385083990
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 112
Author Dr. Ashish Tanwar
Editor 2017
Category Research  
Weight 300.00 g

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We are proud of our ancient culture, traditions and values. Ours is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. These values are the incessant stream of river we delve in. We are stepping into a new century of development in order to reshape our nation into an emerging super power. There is no doubt, we are marching into a new era of achievements.But this very bubble of emerging superpower bursts at horrified cry of a helpless woman who is being stalked, groped, gang-raped, disfigured with acid and tortured physically, mentally and socially. Our Parliament have enacted several stringent Laws with harsher penalties to punish the wrong doers but nothing significant has been achieved. Nothing can be achieved unless mindset of the society changes. Every day we go through such media reports. Rate of crime against women is on the rise.Hairline difference between Love and Obsession has to be understood. Love is not love if it strives for physical possession. Love stands for sacrifice. Happiness of love ought to e the centre.