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Bengal's Hindu Holocaust : The Partition of India & Its Aftermath

Bengal's Hindu Holocaust : The Partition of India & Its Aftermath

by   Sachi G Dastidar (Author)  
by   Sachi G Dastidar (Author)   (show less)
5.0 Ratings & 1 Reviews
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

Bengal's Hindu Holocaust: India's Partition and its Aftermath by Sachi G Dastidar is a book that rakes up a topic, which has virtually been a taboo--the issue of vanishing Hindus from Bangladesh and their current situation in India's West Bengal and surrounding regions.

More Information

ISBN 13 9781942426578
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 462
Edition 2021
Release Year 2021
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Non-Fiction   Indian History  
Weight 450.00 g
Dimension 15.00 x 22.00 x 3.00

Customer Rating

5.0 Star

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Bengal - A Kashmir in The Making

Erstwhile Bengal and current West Bengal is a good case study for the rest of India and the world. Even though we all know about Bengal's great Hindu holocaust, we hardly talk about it. The persecuted Hindus hardly talk about it. It is surprising yet true that the land of Netaji and innumerable Bengal Hindu bravehearts is now reeling under some unknown fear, a fear that we have nurtured since our independence and until 2014. It is time to remind Bengali Hindus of their rightful position in their state and to rise to the occasion and snatch their position. But it is easier said than done. The revolutionary power of Hindus is suppressed for so long and the way Hindus were butchered in the history without even proper justice demanded by the Hindu leaders themselves, it is unlikely that Bengali Hindus will awaken anytime soon. The 37 years of communist rule and now Muslim appeasing TMC ruler of West Bengal continuing to subvert Hindus in various ways. In one hand they are suppressing Hindu rights and creating unnecessary blockade on Hindu festivals (like bursting crackers during Diwali, early morning sankeertan in temples etc) and on the other hand they are promoting early morning Azaan in the name of secularism. Hindus are also not talking about this openly. But do we expect Hindus to talk about such apparently smaller problems, when they don't even talk about how Muslims openly killed their family members, looted their homes and raped their women? Probably no. The horrific details of Marichjhnapi massacre under the communist regime of Bengal and subsequent denials by West Bengal communists of any kind of persecution of Hindus in Bengal should have made things clear to Bengali Hindus. But even it did not. So, we see that even today Hindu communist leaders openly proclaim that Hindu is a problem. It is also important to understand that these communist (or even TMC) leaders are all Hindus. So, Hindus in Bengal are clearly a confused lot as they do not understand whom to believe. If only these Hindus could be truthful to themselves and to their family, they would have spoken the truth openly without fearing persecution. But the reason they continue to fear persecution even after 75 years of independence, is that they are never united. Hindus in the initial 70 years of independence are taught to hate themselves and their culture. So, their existence is at stake today. Understanding one important point is very important here. As revealed in the secret KGB files revealed in the book Mitrokhin Archives we know that Indian communists were paid by the communist party in Soviet Union for a long time to continue subversion of Hindus. So, their leaders even those who were uprooted from Bangaladesh after independence due to this ethnic cleansing, continued speaking against Hindus and ignoring the Hindu holocaust. The book clearly tells us how Hindus were persecuted in the past and the current circumstances tell us how they continue to be persecuted even today. The book is a very good step towards telling the world about an important part of Hindu history that is hitherto not spoken but needs to be discussed in all forums without any hindrance. This is the reason the book is a must read for all Hindus.
Review by - Partha Sadhukhan, December 29, 2021
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Product Details

In a matter of only a few decades, more than three million Hindus died and nearly 49 million went "missing". Their families face persecution on a daily basis in Bangladesh, while there are other issues like demographic change in West Bengal, parts of Assam and other North-Eastern states. Men are harassed and killed, their property is confiscated, thanks to Enemy Property Act, and women are kidnapped/ raped leaving the hapless Hindu community ask the question: "Aamago lokera jai koi (Where do my people go)?". The research for this was painstaking and painful for the author, as the authorities remained in near complete denial that a systematic persecution of the Hindu community was and remains, virtually, a daily affair.
