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Battlefield Jaffna: Abandoned, They Fought…

Battlefield Jaffna: Abandoned, They Fought…

Sold By:   Vitasta Publishing

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ISBN 13 9789390961481
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 308
Author Col Sunil Kotnala
Editor 2023
Product Dimensions 7.75 x 5.25
Category Historical Fiction  
Weight 210.00 g

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Product Details

On the night of 12 October 1987, in a Special Heliborne Operation, 150 soldiers of the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) were trapped inside Jaffna University, Sri Lanka, surrounded by fighters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). As the rest of the IPKF force desperately tried to break through the well-entrenched LTTE defences, the soldiers found themselves slowly bleeding to death. Miserably behind schedule, outnumbered and outgunned with ammunition and supplies fast dwindling and no reinforcements in sight—the rescuers fought with their backs, literally, to the wall.