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Administration of Vocational Education

Administration of Vocational Education


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ISBN 13 9788170229209
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Publishing Year 2001
Total Pages 224
Author Dhirendra Verma
Publishers Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.  
Category Financial Management  
Weight 240.00 g

Product Details

About the Book : Aimed specifically at the administrators of vocational education programmes, this handbook deals with the fundamentals of administrative theory and basic techniques of educational administration. It spells out the conceptual framework of the administrative process in general, and as it applies to vocational education in particular. A set 27 guidelines is provided for administering all types of vocational programmes in an effective and simple manner. As it is essential for the administrators of vocational institutions to fully grasp the structure of trade and industry, a chapter dealing with this subject is provided. Elements of a good safety programme, so crucial in a technical-vocational setting, are also listed. The three major dimensions of the administrative process leadership, planning, and personnel management are discussed in detail, as well as financial or business management of vocational schools. Methods of calculating the costs of a vocational programme are outlined in clear terms, and the role of the administrator in improving the skills and adaptability of the national workforce is specified distinctly. The volume concludes by taking a closer look at the technical-vocational education of the future and discusses its implications for the administrator.

About the Author : Dhirendra Verma (b. 1940- ) initially graduated from the Agra University (Nainital Campus) with a Master of Science degree in 1961. He had been a Rockefeller Foundation Scholar at the National Institute of Virology in Pune before leaving for Canada in 1963 on a student scholarship to pursue further studies at St. Marys University, Halifax where he acquired an M.Ed. in Technical-Vocational Education, and subsequently a Ph.D. in the Administration of Vocational Education from Dalhousie University. The title of his doctoral thesis was "Technical-Vocational Education in Canada within the Context of Social, Economic, and Political Change: 1875-1995". He worked at Canada's Nova Scotia Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Laboratory Technology for over 12 years before returning to India in 1978 to join the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) at New Delhi as a Senior Fellow, and supervised its vocational education programmes at the national level. Presently, he is associated with the Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait as a Senior Consultant and looks after the training requirements of its medical and paramedical personnel. He has published numerous research articles on issues and problems confronting vocational education in some of the leading international journals of Education. He has served as an UNESCO Consultant, contri-buting to the vocational component of its ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) project in the mid 70s.