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Accounting Education in South Asia

Accounting Education in South Asia


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ISBN 13 9788180690426
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Publishing Year 2004
Total Pages 238
Author K.R. Sharma
Publishers Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.  
Category Financial Management   Economics  
Weight 250.00 g

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Product Details

About the Book : The work Accounting Education in South Asia is based on findings of a major research project funded by the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi. It is an exploration of distinctive features, social systems, economies, educational systems and arrangement for accounting education under university system and also by institutions of professional accountants in South Asia. Countries of South Asia share a common heritage, culture and geography. This region has been cradle of many great civilizations. It falls among high population density, low per capital income and consumption and low literacy regions of the world. Inter-country trade, migration of people, flow of information, goods and services, and investment are at low level among these countries. However, in spite of adverse political atmosphere and poor infrastructure base, these countries are in transition, gradually moving from agriculture to industry and services. India among these countries is comparatively more developed. The book brings to light a variety of interesting facts regarding the role of universities and institutes of professional accountants, their activities and membership. Charting the trend of changes in social and economic set-up, job opportunities and job requirements, impact of globalization and information technology, etc., detailed suggestions have been made for quality improvement and inter-institution and inter-country cooperation.

About the Author : K.R. Sharma is currently Professor of Commerce, Mizoram University, Aizawl, and former Professor, Chairman, Faculty of Commerce and Dean College of Commerce and Management Studies, M. L. Sukhadia University, Udaipur with over 43 years experience of teaching post-graduate courses in Management and Commerce. He was deputed by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, as Professor of Business Administration at the Institute of Management, Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu, Nepal for two years (1986-1987) under Colombo Plan. Also, he and was UGC Visiting Professor at M.D.S. University, Ajmer for one year (1999-2000). Apart from completing two major research projects of UGC (1988-1992) and ICSSR (1994-98) and a minor research project of UGC (1980-1982), Dr. Sharma has supervised 15 works leading to Ph.D. degree. Dr. Sharma was National President of Indian Accounting Association (1996-97), President, Rajasthan Vanijya Parishad (1999-2000) and Chief Editor, Indian Journal of Accounting (1998-2001). He is Life Member of Indian Accounting Association, Udaipur, Accounting Research Foundation, Calcutta, All India Commerce Association, New Delhi, Indian Society for Training & Development, New Delhi, and Rajasthan Vanijya Parishad, Udaipur. Dr. Sharma is author of Operations Research and Quantitative Techniques (Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana), Project Management (National Publishing House, New Delhi) and Research Methodology (National Publishing House, New Delhi).