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India is a Country, Not a Company: How US ‘Imported’ Economists Misled & Mismanaged Indian Economy | (2nd Edition)

India is a Country, Not a Company: How US ‘Imported’ Economists Misled & Mismanaged Indian Economy | (2nd Edition)

by   Susmit Kumar (Author)  
by   Susmit Kumar (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

The book, published in 2018, challenges the dominance of imported economists in key economic positions in India and presents a critical analysis of global economic dynamics through 110 easy-to-understand charts and tables. It argues that the US Dollar functions as a Ponzi scheme, allowing the US to print currency at will to fund deficits, while other countries, including India, are unable to do so. The author contends that India's adherence to Reaganomics has prevented it from achieving trade surplus and economic superpower status, contrasting with countries like China, which have amassed significant foreign reserves. The book warns of the impending collapse of the US-style capitalism and its potential impact on the global economy, drawing parallels with historical events such as the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991.

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885751759
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 300
Edition 2nd
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Economics   Business & Economics  
Weight 300.00 g
Dimension 15.50 x 23.00 x 2.00

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Product Details


First published in 2018, this book’s impact ensured that none of the Top 3 positions (RBI Governor, Chief Economic Advisor & Niti Aayog Vice-Chairman) got filled since then by imported economists!

With 110 easy-to-understand charts and tables analyzing the global economy.

“Sometimes, an outsider can analyze data better than experts in the field.”

— Dr. Arvind Gupta

Director of Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF), former Deputy National Security Adviser, Secretary, National Security Council, Government of India (2014–17), while introducing Dr. Susmit Kumar when he gave a talk on the first edition of this book in March, 2018 at the VIF.

During World War II, when Hitler was in control of entire Europe which had its economy destroyed and needed huge money for reconstruction from the US and majority of other countries were still under their colonial rulers, the US made its currency dollar as global currency. The US just prints its currency, whenever it wants, to fund its trade deficits and budget deficits. According to economist Allan H. Meltzer at Carnegie Mellon University: “We [United States] get cheap goods in exchange for pieces of paper, which we can print at a great rate.”

The US Dollar is a Ponzi scheme. The US just “prints” its currency to pay for its import from China and other countries and then in return such exporting countries, including India, deposit those dollars in US in government bonds and in the US share market. Unlike the US, India cannot print its currency to fund its deficits.

Except the US, other three economic superpowers, Germany, Japan and China have trade surplus for more than three decades whereas due to the influence of the US “Imported” economists, who enforce and preach the disastrous “Reaganomics” policy, India never has trade surplus any year even after three decades of economic liberalization. India can never become an economic super-power without generating trade surplus for a decade or more to amass sizeable FOREX, like China has. Apart from this, there is a need for India to be self-sufficient in all its mass consumption items, at the earliest. “Reaganomics”, the economic policy followed by the US since 1980s, has bankrupted the US and also transferred nearly all national manufacturing and service sector jobs to other countries.

US economists, management gurus and Wall Street have created the Frankenstein (Bhasmasur) China and sold the US to it. China has generated trade surplus since the 1990s and accumulated $4 trillion FOREX, hence it is now on the verge of replacing the US dollar with its currency Yuan as the global currency. The US style capitalism is fast hurtling towards its 1991 Soviet Union collapse moment, leading to the global economy staring at an economic depression greater than the 1930s.