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A Study of Religion

A Study of Religion

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ISBN 13 9789382339946
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 208
Author Mr R M CHOPRA
Editor 2015
Category Story Books  
Weight 300.00 g

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Product Details

A study of religions concerns enduring question about religions, human society, and the meaning individuals and communities make in life. The study of different religions also facilitates interaction with people of other religions and their cultural, historical, intellectual, and social phenomena. This also provides a basic understanding of major religious traditions of the world, their-ethico-social and mystical approach to religion but more so a deep understanding of their fundamental principles and philosophical concerns such as ethical foundation, metaphysics and the nature and form of salvation. I also feel that studying such material is bound to give one richer and more sophisticated understanding of human beliefs and practices regarding sacred, numinous, spiritual and divine.