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Winner attitude

Winner attitude

Sold By:   Anuradha Prakashan

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ISBN 13 9789388278348
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 160
Editor 2019
Category Motivational  
Weight 200.00 g

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Product Details

This book has been designed to help you to develop your vision, strategic thinking, foresight and insight. People from all walks of life, specially, students, employees and business persons, would find this book very useful. As this book deals mostly with ‘Personal Economics’, the people who consider themselves less fortunate, would find the window of opportunity at the end of their reading. Each chapter deals with one particular trait which is of utmost importance in our life. One could find solution to their personal problems, as these forty-five chapters encompass the common issues in one’s life which need to be addressed. Sure, after reading this book, you would get inspired, your confidence level will go up, your self-esteem will rise, and of course, this book is action-oriented, where the efforts have been put to make the readers useful for the human cause. This book teaches one how to do business and how not to be business-minded.I’m grateful to the feisty, luminous, multi dimensional and fascinating personalities around me, who inspired me with their mesmerizing, splendid and charismatic leadership qualities. I owe my teachers, who come from various backgrounds and different nationalities, who have enriched my thoughts, taught me patience and whose company has affected my way of thinking in absolutely positive way