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Indian Culture and India’s Future (Paperback)

Indian Culture and India’s Future (Paperback)

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The book discusses Indian culture, its worldview and interaction with other cultures, and the meaning of secularism and tolerance in the Indian context. Culture, it argues, defines India's identity and cohesion, and can offer effective solutions to today's global challenges.

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ISBN 13 9788124605677
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 248
Edition 5th
Release Year 2018
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author Michel Danino
Category Cultural Studies   Political Studies   General Interest   Current Affairs  
Weight 350.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

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Product Details

Can Indian civilization be compared to a “thousand-branched tree”? What have been its outstanding achievements and its impact on the world? These are some of the questions this book asks. But it also deals with issues confronting more and more Indians caught in an identity crisis: What does it mean to be Indian? What is specific to the worldview developed by Indian culture? How has it dialogued with other cultures? Is it built on durable foundations, or is it little more than colourful religiosity and quaint but outdated customs? And what are the meaning and application of secularism and tolerance in the Indian context? The French-born author, who has been living in India for 33 years, argues that Indian culture is not some exotic relic of the past, but a dynamic force that still has a role to play in defining India's identity and cohesion, and in proposing solutions to today's global challenges. Written in a crisp and engaging style, this thought-provoking volume challenges received ideas on India's culture and invites us to think afresh.