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India: A Culture Decline or Revival? (Hardcover)

India: A Culture Decline or Revival? (Hardcover)

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This book critically analyses the state of affairs in India after the British left in 1947 and examines whether Independence has ushered an era of cultural and social freedom or a cultural decline has set in — a thought-provoking subject.

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ISBN 13 9788124604595
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 236
Edition 1st
Release Year 2008
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author Bharat Gupt
Category Cultural Studies   Political Studies   General Interest   Current Affairs  
Weight 500.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

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Product Details

It is often taken for granted that Independence from the British rule also ushered an era of cultural and social freedom in India. The author wishes to examine if that is true or if a cultural decline set in soon after. Based on a verse in the Pancatantra, the book has been divided into six parts: Eka (person), Kula (family), Grama (habitat), Janapada (land), Prithvi (earth) and Atma. Issues of education; conflicts between the classes, regions, jatis, languages and religions; expansion of proselytizers; lack of governance; tensions between the legislators and judiciary; rise of unbridled consumerism; falling standards of democracy; dilemmas created by notions of dharma challenged by Westernized modernity; and the problems of attaining universal harmony, are all put into a perspective under these six categories. While examining the state of affairs the author also suggests a way for the pursuit of happiness through unselfish transcendence.