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Human Development in Indian Perspective and Other Essays

Human Development in Indian Perspective and Other Essays

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This book, a collection of six lectures Dr Kapila Vatsyayan made at different UNESCO seminars and two reports, presents, discusses, analyses and prognosticates the varied aspects of human development from the perspective of a developing country.

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ISBN 13 9788124609033
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 130
Edition 1st Edition
Release Year 2017
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author Kapila Vatsyayan
Category Arts   Sociology  
Weight 500.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

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Product Details

This book, a collection of six lectures Dr Kapila Vatsyayan made at different UNESCO seminars and two reports she prepared for UNESCO, presents, discusses, analyses and prognosticates the varied aspects of human development in India and other developing nations. She has made some commendable observations and suggestions with a futuristic view on UNDP’s “Human Development Report 1990” which defines and measures human development. Through these papers and reports, Dr Vatsyayan has attempted to chart out a new perspective as far as development is concerned from the viewpoint of developing countries. The Western paradigms in defining development do not fit the frame of these countries. Culture, arts, oral wisdom, all should come to play a crucial role in defining, planning and executing developmental programmes in such countries, and in defining their educational status. In addition, the volume provides a historical glimpse of Delhi and addresses the issues of cultural heritage and cultural lifestyle of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. In a nutshell, Dr Vatsyayan makes the readers travel with her continuous UNESCO engagement, over a period of sixty years.