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End Financial Stress Now

End Financial Stress Now

Sold By:   Swadhyayam

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ISBN 13 9781440599132
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 240
Author Emily Guy Birken
Publishers Simon & Schuster Ltd  
Category Personal Transformation  

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Product Details

End financial stress for good and learn how to manage your money—without a change to income!

Studies have shown time and time again that money is a leading cause of stress—but a life free from financial worry isn’t exclusive to the rich and powerful. End Financial Stress Now gives you practical, actionable instructions you need to improve your money management—no matter what your income level is. You can learn how to achieve the mindset of financial flexibility, which can help you navigate any money issues you face.

These practical, step-by-step instructions on budgeting can help you track expenses, pay off debt, and save money. Featuring straightforward advice on how to increase self-discipline so you can stick to your budget as well as techniques to help you identity misinformation and false beliefs you have about money, you can follow this guide to create a fulfilling life free of financial stress.