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Beauty and the Beast : Children Story Book By Dreamland Publications

Beauty and the Beast : Children Story Book By Dreamland Publications


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Beauty and the Beast : Children Story Book By Dreamland Publications

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ISBN 13 9781730130045
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 16
Publisher Dreamland Publications
Author Dreamland Publications
Category Story Books  
Weight 105.00 g
Dimension 28.00 x 22.00 x 0.40

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Product Details

‘Beauty and the Beast’ – a story of a charming young girl named Beauty who respects her father’s words and goes to live with a Beast. She values the inward characteristics of the kind Beast and falls in love with him despite his outward appearance. Adorned with charming illustrations, retold in easy language, this is a beautiful book to treasure. • 16 pages • Ideal for age-group 2-6 years • Amazing illustrations • Colourful cover • Inculcates reading habit This storybook is sure to become a favourite of all readers. Filled with enchanted characters this timeless tale will be cherished by young readers and listeners. Easy-to-understand text ensures that kids enjoy reading it and improve their language skills as well.