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Aspects of the Sound System of Gilgiti Shina

Aspects of the Sound System of Gilgiti Shina

Sold By:   Gulshan Books Kashmir

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ISBN 13 9788183390606
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 136
Edition 2011
Author Carla F. Radloff
Product Dimensions 23 cm x 15 cm
Publishers Gulshan Books  
Category Books  
Weight 290.00 g

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With mountains on all sides, the economy that has developed in the area is as rugged as its surroundings. Beyond the wheat and maize crops they harvest each year, the residents of the area experience an abundant yield of a large variety of fruits and nuts. From apricots to apples, peaches to pomegranates, walnuts to almonds, grapes, mulberries and sweet cherries-the agricultural base of the economy still can feed most of the families.