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Archaeology of Zangskar Valley

Archaeology of Zangskar Valley

Sold By:   Swadhyayam

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ISBN 13 9789383221202
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Author R.C. Agrawal
Editor 2018
Category Books  
Weight 1,480.00 g

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Product Details

Prior to eighth century CE, Zangskar Wades inhabited by the Dards, the original inhabitants of Ladakh region. < p> The first European (Hungarian) who visited Zangskar was Csoma de Koros. He arrived in 1823 and spent considerable time in Zangla and Phugtal monasteries studying the Tibetan language and grammar. He produced a dictionary of Tibetan-English language and died in Kolkata. After him several scholars visited Zangskar and studied the various aspects of Zangskari life, but no comprehensive attempt was made to explore the area from archaeological point of view.