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by   Tapnakumar Deb (Author),   2022 (Author)  
by   Tapnakumar Deb (Author),   2022 (Author)   (show less)

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ISBN 13 9789394369672
Book Language Hindi
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 118
Author Tapnakumar Deb
Editor 2022
Product Dimensions 5.50 x 8.50
Category Kavita  
Weight 100.00 g

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Product Details

Tapankumar Deb, S/o. Lt. R. M. Deb & Ms. P.R. Deb born in Silchar, Cachar, Assam. A few Short Stories, Articles and Poems have been published in different News Papers, Magazine, e-Magazine of Barak Valley, Tripura and Bangladesh. Apart from this, his other Books of Poem “PROVAHA” & “MEJAJI BARSHA” have been published earlier.