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Animals- Wow Encyclopedia in Augmented Reality : Children Reference Book By Dreamland Publications

Animals- Wow Encyclopedia in Augmented Reality : Children Reference Book By Dreamland Publications


Short Description

Animals- Wow Encyclopedia in Augmented Reality : Children Reference Book By Dreamland Publications

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ISBN 13 9789388371773
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 66
Publisher Dreamland Publications
Author Dreamland Publications
Category Reference  
Weight 500.00 g
Dimension 28.00 x 28.00 x 0.30

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Product Details

Augmented Reality – a technology to superimpose information – sounds, images, and text – that expands our physical world. ‘Wow! Animals! Encyclopedia in Augmented Reality’ is truly an amazing book that will help you go on an amazing journey that is full of mysteries. • Ideal for age group 6-14 • Remarkable facts • Engaging and informational content on outlandish animals, exceptional birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish • Colourful presentation Learn a lot of interesting things about vivid animals through this wonderful book and enjoy watching them move using AR app on a Smartphone or Tablet. This unusual fun, engaging, and informative book will help you wander into the most wonderful world of animals.