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Ancient Sculptures of Kashmir

Ancient Sculptures of Kashmir

Sold By:   Gulshan Books Kashmir

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ISBN 13 9788183391610
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 154
Edition 2012
Author Iqbal Ahmed
Product Dimensions 25.5 cm x 19 cm
Publishers Gulshan Books  
Category Books  
Weight 580.00 g

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Product Details

During the period of ancient Hindu and Buddhist rulers (4th century AD up to 14th century AD) the impressive stone works, in architectures as well as in sculpture making flourished across Kashmir. The massive glorious ruins of Martand, Avantipura, Narasthan, Kothiar, Pandhrethan, Pattan, Parahaspura, Wangth temples stand a fine example of the architectural works besides the magnificently carved stone and bronze images, What today preserved in different museums and art galleries mostly were commissioned during the period of their rule. Although due to mass destruction of stone images and melting of brilliant metal images by Harsha and few other rulers, a little collection of icons had reached to us.