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Ancient India As Described By Ptolemy- Being a translation of the Chapters which Describe India and Central and Eastern Asia in the Treatise on Geography

Ancient India As Described By Ptolemy- Being a translation of the Chapters which Describe India and Central and Eastern Asia in the Treatise on Geography

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ISBN 13 9789387496651
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 302
Author John W. Mc Crindle
Editor 2021
Product Dimensions 23 cm x 15 cm
Publishers Dev Publishers  
Category Books  
Weight 330.00 g

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This Item: Ancient India As Described By Ptolemy- Being a translation of the Chapters which Describe India and Central and Eastern Asia in the Treatise on Geography

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This edition also comes with a commentary and an introduction by the translator who has time and again pointed out that Ptolemy majorly relied on Indian sources even in his description of other parts of Asia and this work further explains that the people of Central Asia were known to the Sanskrit scholars. Ancient India as described by Ptolemy is illuminating for the serious student and layperson alike.