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Ancient Citites And Towns Of Rajasthan

Ancient Citites And Towns Of Rajasthan

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ISBN 13 9789384385101
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 645
Author K.C. Jain
Editor 2016
Product Dimensions 23 cm x 15 cm
Publishers Book Treasure  
Category Books  
Weight 990.00 g

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JAMES TOD has rightly remarked, "There is not a petty state in Rajasthan that has not had its Thermopylae, and scarcely a city that has not produced its Leonidas". This statement shows the great political and cultural importance of the State of Rajasthan. The cities, which existed before the thirteenth century A.D., have been incorporated in this work. Our study confines to their religion, art, literature and some other cultural aspects, and political history also finds a place when some new light has been thrown on some particular event.