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A Prince in Exile: The Journey Begins

A Prince in Exile: The Journey Begins

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ISBN 13 9788184958614
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 258
Edition First
Release Year 2023
Author Jaico
Publishers Jaico Publishing House  
Category Children Books  

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Product Details

Born on that fearsome night, the ten-headed Ravana grew in size and evil intent. He terrorized gods and humans alike. To end his menace, Lord Vishnu took birth as Prince Rama, the eldest son of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya.

A Prince in Exile, the first book in The Illustrated Ramayana trilogy, is the adventurous and romantic tale of this Suryavanshi hero. Join Rama and his brothers on their youthful odyssey as they slay blood-thirsty demons and steal the hearts of dainty damsels – all laid out with splendid illustrations.

Written by Vrinda Sheth & Illustrations by Anna Johansson

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