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A new odea of India

A New Idea of India: The Civilizational Republic

by   Harsh Madhusudan and Rajeev Mantri (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Swadhyayam

Short Description

Harsh Gupta 'Madhusudan' is an India-based public markets investor. He has written extensively on economics, finance and politics for Mint, Swarajya, The Wall Street Journal, The Hindu Business Line, The Indian Express and other publications.

More Information

ISBN 13 9780670097876
Book Language English
Total Pages 384
Edition 2023
Product Dimensions ‎ 20.3 x 25.4 x 4.7 cm
Publishers Penguin Viking  
Weight 450.00 g

Product Details

Harsh Gupta 'Madhusudan' is an India-based public markets investor. He has written extensively on economics, finance and politics for Mint, Swarajya, The Wall Street Journal, The Hindu Business Line, The Indian Express and other publications.