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A God In Every Stone

A God In Every Stone

by   Shamsie (Author),   Kamila (Author)  
by   Shamsie (Author),   Kamila (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Swadhyayam

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ISBN 13 9789382951513
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 320
Author Shamsie, Kamila
Publishers Bloomsbury India  
Category Literature & Fiction  

Product Details

Summer, 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is in an ancient land, about to discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure and love. Thousands of miles away a twenty-year-old Pathan, Qayyum Gul, is learning about brotherhood and loyalty in the British Indian army. Summer, 1915. Viv has been separated from the man she loves Qayyum has lost an eye at Ypres. They meet on a train to Peshawar, unaware that a connection is about to be forged between their lives - one that will reveal itself fifteen years later when anti-colonial resistance, an ancient artefact and a mysterious woman will bring them together again.