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70 Years of Secularism

70 Years of Secularism

by   Sandeep Balakrishna (Author)  
by   Sandeep Balakrishna (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

70 Years of Secularism: After seventy years, there is a powerful new political, intellectual and cultural churning occurring in India. Read more below in the Description...

More Information

ISBN 13 978-9353210014
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Edition 1st
Release Year 2018
Publishers Indus University  
Category Politics   History   Hinduism  
Weight 250.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 1.00 x 22.00

Product Details

After seventy years, there is a powerful new political, intellectual and cultural churning occurring in India. The Nehruvian socialist era is coming to an end in favor of a new India that has a transformative vision of the future but also honors its ancient dharma and spiritual heritage. We see a number of individuals and groups active on many fronts of a national revival that reconnects to India’s older Independence Movement on an intellectual and spiritual level. Yet this new movement remains in its initial phases in removing ideological and cultural distortions about the country and its ancient civilization. These distortions remain deep-seated and institutionally entrenched, particularly in India’s media and academia that have served as neo-colonial advocates. These regressive forces continue to have powerful support both inside and outside the country. This book is akin to a stocktaking after seventy years of Independent India, which is sorely needed today. The book attempts to explain what India was before secularism and foreign rule, which was a much more enlightened, expansive and prosperous civilization than people recognize, and what it became afterward, which was a shadow of alien domination and subversion. India’s secularism, in fact, has been colonialism, not in disguise but in a bold new aggressive and intolerant form, propelled by the rule of foreign mindsets by Indians themselves. The present volume documents the cultural genocide that the Nehruvian-Marxist alliance wrought on India over the last seventy years.
