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365 Facts on Space : Children Reference Book By Dreamland Publications

365 Facts on Space : Children Reference Book By Dreamland Publications


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365 Facts on Space : Children Reference Book By Dreamland Publications

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ISBN 13 9789388371759
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 80
Publisher Dreamland Publications
Author Dreamland Publications
Category Reference  
Weight 300.00 g
Dimension 28.00 x 22.00 x 0.49

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Product Details

The world is a lot more interesting and filled with fascinating facts. Explore planets, stars, and beyond with this ‘365 Facts on Space’ fun book. Colourfully presented this beautifully designed book is a treasure trove of fascinating facts about astronomical bodies in our solar system. • Useful for ages 7-15 • Attractive cover • 80 pages • Amazing illustrations • A wonderful collection Enjoy many mysteries of our magnificent solar system and explore terrestrial planets, dwarf planets, satellites, asteroids, and more with this wonderful collection of facts.