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 Fatty Alcohols - Anthropogenic And Natural Occurrence In The Environment

Fatty Alcohols - Anthropogenic And Natural Occurrence In The Environment

by   Stephen M Mudge (Author)  
by   Stephen M Mudge (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Swadhyayam

Short Description

Fatty alcohols (linear alkanes >C10 with a terminal hydroxyl group) occur naturally in most organisms but are also procuced as industrial chemicals from plants and petroleum or products such as detergents and cosmetics. Regardless of their origin, fatty alcohol residues eventually enter the marine environment. They are also generated in situ by freshwater and marine organisms. These long chain alcohols can be used as biomarkers due to their distinctive source allocation, although they have differential degradation rates across the range of chain lengths.

More Information

ISBN 13 9780854041527
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 159
Edition 2008
Product Dimensions 15.6 x 1.52 x 23.4 cm
Publishers Indian Books  
Weight 2,000.00 g

Product Details

Fatty alcohols (linear alkanes >C10 with a terminal hydroxyl group) occur naturally in most organisms but are also procuced as industrial chemicals from plants and petroleum or products such as detergents and cosmetics. Regardless of their origin, fatty alcohol residues eventually enter the marine environment. They are also generated in situ by freshwater and marine organisms. These long chain alcohols can be used as biomarkers due to their distinctive source allocation, although they have differential degradation rates across the range of chain lengths.