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They Dare to Enjoy

They Dare to Enjoy

Sold By:   KW Publishers Pvt Ltd

Short Description

A V Vaidya Air Marshal AV Vaidya was born on 21 February 1948. After completing his training at the National Defence Academy, he was commissioned in the fighter stream of the Indian Air Force in December 1968. During his career, he has flown a variety of aircraft, including the Gnat, Mig-21, Mig-29, Mirage-2000 and the latest Sukhoi-30. He has held many important appointments in Air HQ and was awarded Vayu Sena Medal for his distinguished service in 1990 and Param Vishisht Seva Medal in 2008. His first book Wings of Joy was published in 2007. He has written many articles which have been published in various magazines and newspapers.

More Information

ISBN 13 9788187966869
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2009
Total Pages 94
Category Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,
Publisher KW Publishers
Author A V Vaidya
Language English
Category Books   Non-Fiction   Military Sciences  
Weight 500.00 g
Dimension 24.00 x 16.00 x 3.00

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Product Details

They Dare to Enjoy is a book featuring the joys and thrills the profession of fighter flying offers. The book expands the life of fighter pilots, as well as describes the different activities related to lying at an airbase. There is a vivid description of the cockpits and instruments used by pilots in World War II and state-of -the-art cockpits of today. The book describes how missions are conducted using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and how air defence of our airspace is carried out— how intruders are tackled and shot down if they display hostile intentions. It gives an insight into the on board modern weapon systems, including the precision guided munitions and other ground attack weapons. The thrills of flying in pitch dark night are vividly described. The book aims to acquaint the young generation and their parents about the functioning of an Air Force. I hope this book will achieve its aim and open the doors wider for youngsters to become fighter pilots and “Dare to Enjoy” a very challenging profession.