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The Sialkot Saga

The Sialkot Saga

by   Ashwin Sanghi (Author)  
by   Ashwin Sanghi (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

When it’s a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.’ The trajectories of Arvind and Arbaaz, both ‘businessmen’ of a kind whose lives are unwillingly intertwined, ricochet off one another while they play out their sinister and murderous plots of personal and professional one-upmanship, all the while breaking every rule in the book.

More Information

ISBN 10 9386224623
ISBN 13 978-9386224620
Book Language English
Binding 25
Release Year 2017
Publishers Westland  
Category Crime   Indian Writing  
Weight 500.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 22.00

Product Details

‘When it’s a question of money, everybody is of the same religion.’ The trajectories of Arvind and Arbaaz, both ‘businessmen’ of a kind whose lives are unwillingly intertwined, ricochet off one another while they play out their sinister and murderous plots of personal and professional one-upmanship, all the while breaking every rule in the book.

Both are unaware that what they seek and fight over is the very obstacle in realizing an ancient secret that dates back to a time long forgotten. And yet, at the heart of it all, there lies tenderness.. and pathos.. and blood.. and rare moments of an almost exalted happiness. So, can it be that a man is both sinner and saint, victor and victim, black and white? Ashwin Sanghi, master storyteller and spinner of yarns, weaves together once more threads of the past and present, fact and fiction, history and mythology, business and politics, love and hatred while dangling you ceaselessly over the cliff with this chilling multi-layered narrative, keeping you guessing till the totally unguessable end. And you’re left wondering whether it’s a matter of faith.. or fate?
