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Political History of Imperial Guptas (A): From Gupta to Skand Gupta

Political History of Imperial Guptas (A): From Gupta to Skand Gupta


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ISBN 13 9788170222514
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 213
Release Year 2021
Author Tej Ram Sharma
Publishers Concept Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.  
Category History   Political Science  
Weight 230.00 g

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Product Details

About the Book : At present the scholarly world finds a catch on the socio-economic history leaving the political history in cold storage. The Gupta period of Indian History is a rich mine of information with dark and glittering segments, requiring a review of the literature every decade. The present work is a sincere attempt in that direction. It is a product of a reconsideration of all the printed works available in English and Hindi throwing light on the most glorious period of Indian History. Apart from thematic approach on the various facets of the political history of the Gupta period, the author has made a penetrating analysis of the rise and decline of the Gupta empire in great detail. About Author : Tej Ram Sharma started his teaching career at Himachal Pradesh University Shimla, presently teaches History at the University of Hyderabad. He has served the University of Hyderabad for over two decades where he has been a founder member of the Department, Head of the Department of History, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and the Member of the Executive Council. He has participated. Organised, chaired and inaugurated many conferences and seminars of inter-disciplinary nature. He is a member of many National and international professional bodies. He has won wide acclaim form scholars for his earlier works and the prestigious awards conferred on him form the International Academic Community bear the stamp of a wider recognition of his scholarship. Presently he is working as a Professor in the Department of History and Coordinator of SAP-3, DSA-Department of History, University of Hyderabad.