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In Defence of a Billion Hindus: One of the most marvelous people on this planet-ever

In Defence of a Billion Hindus: One of the most marvelous people on this planet-ever

by   Francois Gautier (Author)  
by   Francois Gautier (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

In Defence of a Billion Hindus: One of the most marvelous people on this planet-ever

More Information

ISBN 13 978-9388409018
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
ASIN 9388409019
Edition 1st
Release Year 2018
Publishers Har Anand Publication Pvt. Ltd.  
Category Indian History  

Product Details

Every sixth person on this Planet is a Hindu and Hindus still constitute the overwhelming majority in India – nearly 80 percent of the population. Humanity needs thus to re-discover the wonder that is Hinduism, the oldest spirituality still in practice in the world. This book is then about the story of the Hindus, their scriptures, their history, the bloody invasions that they faced over the centuries and the menaces that still threaten their very survival.
