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Aavarana: The Viel

Aavarana: The Viel

by   S. L. Bhyrappa (Author),   Sandeep Balakrishna (Author)  
by   S. L. Bhyrappa (Author),   Sandeep Balakrishna (Author)   (show less)
5 Ratings & 1 Reviews
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

The second historical novel by celebrated Kannada author S.L. Bhyrappa, translated for the first time into English by Sandeep Balakrishna, Aavarana: The Veil raises pertinent and searching questions about religion, liberalism and identity and highlights the importance of unshackling oneself from the bonds of false knowledge.

More Information

ISBN 13 978-8129124883
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 400
Release Year 2014
Publishers Rupa Publications  
Category Spiritual   Religion   Newly added books  
Weight 300.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 22.00

Customer Rating

5 Star

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A Very Important Book !

A very powerful story which is a perfect blend of historical accuracy and an artist's imagination. All the statements, facts are backed by citations and proofs. Even after being historically accurate the story does not become dull and remain crisp till very end. Story revolves around a progressive Hindu women and Muslim men who fell in love and later married together. Being an interfaith marriage she faced many hardships from family Which made her even more hard critique of hindu religion. Both being full fledged artists wrote many plays and dramas undermining the hypocrisy of Hinduism. While making a script for a documentary of a certain historical place, she recalls memories of her childhood,which leads her to question everything including the "progressive historians" and her life decisions as a whole. Hitherto, a progressive activist finds herself caught up in factually incorrect historical facts and lies made up by so called "progressive historians" . This book is about her journey to discover the truth and exposing the lies which are filled in our daily life about certain historical figures. Which leads her to question the foundation in which these so called progressive historians are trying to build hindu-muslim unity on i.e making hindu as the scrape goat for every ill in today's society,for which they manipulate historical facts and add absurd lies to make it look so. This book also try to expose hypocrisy of islam extremist and their ignorance for other religions. And how supremacy of their god over others is very dangerous for modern democratic India in which all gods are equal. Some Historical facts are very harsh and might hurt some people, few might even try to deny it but one cannot deny it because everything is backed by proof. Which further proves the point of the author which is trying to show how history is being manipulated,and how lies are feeded to the normal citizens of the country, which has made people ignorant about certain historical figures and made them glorify them even though they were tyrants. The primary storyline is accompanied by a secondary story, which give the readers vague idea of the conditions in which Hindus were in during mugal era. Even though the book is a good attempt by the author to undermine this problem in modern India, it is a novel and not a history book.
Review by - Harish Singhal, July 30, 2021
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Because my questions made Amir uncomfortable, he pronounced talaq just like that on the wife who had abandoned everything for him because his religion gives him that privilege. Where do I now stand, sir? Do you have any solutions for me?' Lakshmi, a rebellious, free-spirited and intelligent film-maker, breaks ties with her staunchly Gandhi an father to marry Amir, the man she loves. She even agrees reluctantly to Amir's request that she convert to Islam, as a formality and change her name to Razia. However, she is shocked to discover that her husband is not the open-minded, progressive individual he claimed to be. For after marriage, Amir takes his family's side in trying to force her to follow the more rigorous tenets of their faith. This sets her off on a personal journey into India's history to uncover the many layers of religion, caste and creed. Her quest leads her to the many parallels in the narratives between the past and the present and she gradually finds that though much has changed in Indian society over the centuries, much remains the same. The second historical novel by celebrated Kannada author S.L. Bhyrappa, translated for the first time into English by Sandeep Balakrishna, Aavarana: The Veil raises pertinent and searching questions about religion, liberalism and identity and highlights the importance of unshackling oneself from the bonds of false knowledge.

Book Features:

  • Raises questions and uncovers truths about religion and history
  • Goes deep into history to reveal the extent of tyranny by foreign invaders in India
  • Was a bestseller in Kannada, Gujarati, Tamil and other vernacular languages
  • The Kannada version was sold out even before its release in February 2007. It went into 10reprints within 5 months of its release