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Wedding Pickle

Wedding Pickle


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ISBN 13 9789381841372
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 270
Release Year 2018
Publisher Grapevine India Publishers
Author Neha Sharma
Category Contemporary Fiction  
Weight 449.00 g
Dimension 20.30 x 25.40 x 4.70

Product Details

Avni is an independent, fun loving girl who loves the idea of being in love and having a happy ever after, only she knows this idea is too good to be true in this world, true love is nothing but a farce. Embroiled in her fears, doubts and her haunting past, does she get past her reluctance toward marriage? Does she find someone she can have a happy ever after with ? or does she actually prove her own point that true love is nothing but a farce in today’s world.