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Vivaha Samskara in Grhya-Sutras of the Four Vedas: A Comparative Study of Marriage Ceremonies

Vivaha Samskara in Grhya-Sutras of the Four Vedas: A Comparative Study of Marriage Ceremonies

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Short Description

Of a rare kind, this book does comparative analyses — after studying seventeen Grhya-Sutras across four Vedas — of the number and type of rituals of marriage in each Grhya-Sutra and the order of performance of rituals. It also lists the mantras (with English translation) and their sources and talks about the differences in employing the mantras.

More Information

ISBN 13 9788124607497
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 476
Edition 1st
Release Year 2014
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author V.R. Anil Kumar
Category Cultural Studies   Classical   Hinduism   Ever Green Shelf Life  
Weight 700.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

Product Details

Vivaha (marriage), in Hindu society, is one of the most important samskaras, out of the sixteen sacraments, which a person steps in with full understanding/consciousness. Marriage is a fascinating experience that stays alive in one’s mind throughout the life. The mantras and slokas of the Grhya-Sutras of the four Vedas, chanted in this ritual, are in Sanskrit and a vast majority is unaware of their meanings and just follows the instructions of the celebrant priest, purohita. The author delves deep into the Grhya-Sutras of Vedas and brings forth the details of vivaha samskara — principles, philosophy, practices, rituals and so on. Grhya-Sutras — Asvalayana, Sankhayana and Kausitaki of Rigveda; Paraskara (Sukhla Yajurveda), Apastamba and Hiranyakesin (Krsna Yajurveda), Baudhayana, Varaha, Manava, Agnivesya, Bharadvaja, Kathaka and Vaikhanasa of Yajurveda; Gobhila, Khadira and Jaimini of Samaveda; and Kausika of Atharvaveda — are well explored and seriously analysed, having given the original mantras in Sanskrit with their English translation. Of a rare kind, this book does comparative analyses of the number and type of rituals in each Grhya-Sutra and the order of performance of rituals. This scholarly work creates a sudden seriousness and sanctity to vivaha samskara through the detailing of mantras and the rituals. Being in it, one is not far off the Vedic period, giving a new meaning and dimension to our understanding of Hindu vivaha samskara and its sanctity.