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The Two Wanderers

The Two Wanderers

by   Bappaditya Chakravarty (Author)  
by   Bappaditya Chakravarty (Author)   (show less)
5.0 Ratings & 1 Reviews
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

The 9th Century... Two men set out from two different corners of the world for reasons of their own. A student of Nalanda, lately trained in martial arts, sets out on a search for the meaning of life. A Viking, caught in the snares of scheming Eastern politicians, seeks to turn from his life of looting and killing. They are fated to meet in Tibet in an epic adventure, and learn the meaning of life and their fates. This book by bestselling author Bappaditya Chakravarty is a thrilling and thoughtful page-turner.

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885751032
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 344
Release Year 2023
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Adventure   Travel   Life Lessons  
Weight 349.00 g
Dimension 15.24 x 22.86 x 1.77

Customer Rating

5.0 Star

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This is a wonderful story, where the characters are written beautifully and the reader is able to relate to them even though the characters are from a different era and different time & situation. Overall the story is very well detailed and the contrasted. 5/5
Review by - Rajesh Ashwin, February 07, 2024
View All Reviews

Product Details



Chapter 1

Snorre – Snorre the Unruly, a Viking

Asa – Snorre’s mother

Bjorn – Snorre’s brother

Torgunn – Bjorn’s wife

Ulf the Greyhound – a famous Viking warrior who led raids into England. Also known as Ulf of Borresta. He was a famous Runemaster also

Svein Gaptooth – also a famous Viking warrior. Not to be confused with Svein Forkbeard, who conquered England

Burya – son of Chief Artiga of the Kyla Pechenegs

Artiga – the Chief of the Kyla Pecheneg tribe who gives an assignment to Snorre

Rybor – a rogue of the Uze tribe, killed by Snorre

Chapter 2

Sriverma – scholar, soldier and traveller

Charushila – a lady of Kanyakubja who takes Sriverma under her wing Shresthi Virbhadra – her husband

12 The Two Wanderers

Mallarjun – an Army Captain and veteran soldier

Acharya Prabuddha – a sage and a teacher

Chapter 3

Erga – a Pecheneg soldier who later turns rogue

Ishmail – a merchant

Abu, Jamil, Ibn Salat – companion merchants of Ishmail Lyrga – initially, Snorre’s deputy, and later, boon companion Zyov – another of Snorre’s small band of faithfuls

Martya – member of Snorre’s band

Prince Kurya – Pecheneg chief

Aziz Beg – Aide to Karim Khan Khanid, Governor of Kashgar

Chapter 4

Tribikram – son of Shresthi Gopaldas of Hansi

Padmalobha – Tribikram’s wife

Shresthi Gopaldas – a rich merchant and financier of Hansi

Chapter 5

Rabten Lama – a monk belonging to Nechung Gompa, who is charged with recovering copies of sacred books and manuscripts destroyed in the pogrom against Buddhists in Tibet

Prince Ösung – Prince of Tibet, and successor to the throne

Prince Ytride – Prince of Tibet and aspirant to the throne. Brother of Prince Osung

Saif – a muleteer, and part of Sriverma’s retinue

Tsering – a Tibetan guide searching for his family

Kuban – another muleteer

PART - 2

Chapter 8

Tsewang Lama – Tibetan mystic and Sriverma’s Guru

Chapter 10

Chö-jor Lama – Abbot of Ritugembi Gompa and a mystic

Pema – Daughter of Lord Wangmo, a noble high up in the court of Prince Ytride

Chapter 12

Tokmeh – Captain of the bodyguard of Lady Pema

Tsehten and Puntsok – bodyguards

Kelsong – Lady Pema’s handmaiden

Tenzin Lama – Chief Lama of the Monastery of Teknang (Teknang Gompa)

Chapter 13

Trinleh Lama – chief of the Nechung Gompa

Wangmo – a noble, father of Lady Pema. An evil man

Dargyeh – Captain of Wangmo’s guards, who later switches sides

Chapter 14

Rinchen Lama – spiritual adviser to Lady Pema and the go-between with Lord Wengbo

Wengbo – a great noble high up in the court of Prince Ösung. Kūnchen – Wengbo’s adviser

Chapter 15

Jinpoh Lama – mystic, and senior Lama of Samye Gompa

14 The Two Wanderers

Chapter 18

Joongneh – shaman of Lord Wangmo

Karmeh – chamberlain of Lord Wangmo

Tsehten – a noble in the court of Prince Ytride. Pema had been promised to his son

Chapter 19

Yangkey – minister in the court of Prince Ytride

Norgay – adviser to Lord Yangkey

Chapter 20

Rigzin – a warlord

Chapter 23

Adirath aka Jaipal – son of Charushila and Virbhadra

Prabahan – Captain of Police

Srimala – A girl who Sriverma proposes to marry, but is killed due to the miscarriage of Sriverma’s plans

Chapter 24

Oleg the Seer – adventurer and usurper of the throne of Kiev
