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The Devil’s Manifesto

The Devil’s Manifesto

by   Dr Benul Beshak (Author)  
by   Dr Benul Beshak (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

“An honest, brave and scintillating account of the savage communist deceit.”

More Information

ISBN 13 9798885750875
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 210
Release Year 2023
Publishers Garuda Prakashan  
Category Socio Political Drama  
Weight 250.00 g
Dimension 13.97 x 21.59 x 1.27

Product Details

Once a hot-shot and ambitious lawyer, Prabhat is now sick, bitter, alcoholic and suicidal. Dragging his wrecked personal and social life, he spends 10 years in oblivion. With an incessant rage and disdain for life, he arrives in a university to meet his old pal one day.

Soon enough, he gets mired in the deadly nexus of convert Naxals. It seems everyone around him harbours a fatal secret. And then, his dark past resurfaces to blow up in his face. A tale of love, rage, deceit and revenge, woven around the deadly illusion of the communist eutopia.

“An honest, brave and scintillating account of the savage communist deceit.”

—Indresh Kumar, Member, National Executive, RSS

“An intriguing narrative framing the Marxist utopia in the inevitability of a bloody revolution. An oeuvre replete with wit and humour, and academic rigour.”

—Prof Jagat Bhushan Nadda, Director, CEC, New Delhi

“A compelling read that lays bare the ugly underbelly of communism.”

—Shefali Vaidya, Author, Public Speaker

“A refreshingly insightful critique of Marxist philosophy through a powerful narrative.”

—Pankaj Vohra, Managing Editor, The Sunday Guardian
