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That Alone, The Core of Wisdom: A Commentary on Atmopadesa Satakam, the One Hundred Verses of Self-Instruction of Narayana Guru

That Alone, The Core of Wisdom: A Commentary on Atmopadesa Satakam, the One Hundred Verses of Self-Instruction of Narayana Guru

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Short Description

The book recounts 100 darsanas delving into the meaning of the Atmopadesa Satakam — ‘One Hundred Verses of Self-Instruction’ of Narayana Guru — to present insights into the essence of Guru-disciple transmission. It combines the mystical element with scientific rigour to attempt a total transformation of consciousness in the reader.

More Information

ISBN 13 9788124602409
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 738
Edition 3rd
Release Year 2022
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author Nitya Chaitanya Yati
Category Philosophy   Ever Green Shelf Life  
Weight 1,250.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

Product Details

“With this verse you are entering into an intense spiritual discipline.” Thus concludes the commentary of the first verse of Atmopadesha Shatakam, the One Hundred Verses of Self Instruction of Narayana Guru, the best known of his major works. Epitomizing the essence of Guru-disciple transmission, That Alone: The Core of Wisdom recounts 100 darsanas presenting the meaning of Atmopadesha Shatakam to a group of disciples. The power of the Hundred Verses is summed up by Guru Nitya: “There is no need to learn each verse and then rationally apply it in everyday life. You can even hear it and forget it. Forgetting means it only goes deeper into you. Once you have heard it, it will go and work its way by itself. The effect will be very subtle. It comes almost without you knowing that it is somethings which you heard that is enabling you to see things in a new light or make resolutions in a certain more helpful way.” Combining scientific rigor with mystical rapture, this book has the power to bring about a total transformation of consciousness by leading the reader to his or her own Core, wherein lies the essence of wisdom.