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4.0 Star

4.0 Ratings & 3 Reviews
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Good narrative and story telling style. Keep the reader engrossed till the end. Thought provoking book on religious fundamentalism which is looming larger in global horizon.
Review by - June 16, 2022


The fierce focus of history which is thrust upon us moulds the politics, the worldviews and the perspectives within which we swim. The history of the world is steeped in the darkness of religious fundamentalism and ideological possession. And the current times quite often see the shadow of the ugly return of such sentiments. What is this history that endures despite our loftiest attempts to never repeat it? The author narrates beautifully that experience of division, exclusion and intolerance that have plagued and continue to plague the world through the plight of Hindus living in a place where Muslims are in the majority. Certainly a read that I would recommend.
Review by - February 19, 2023

Courageous and captivating

The history of human civilization has always endured the fierce focus of religious fundamentalism and ideological belligerence. The author narrates beautifully that experience of division, exclusion and intolerance that has plagued and continues to plague the world through the story of Hindus living in a place where Muslims are in the majority. The book sheds light on those pages of subcontinental history that for long have remained outside the discourse of mainstream media in India.
Review by - February 25, 2023