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Unbreaking India

It's said, don't try to jump to Post Doctoral Study unless you complete at least doctoral level. With my primary level knowledge on Kashmir issue, I tried to read this book. Obviously it was so overwhelming for me, that I have decided to give it a big pause. This book has a lot to offer but ordinary Indians can hardly understand it.
Review by - August 04, 2021

Unbreaking India unshackled our thinking!

Being the first book I read from Garuda Prakashan, I was blown away by the sheer amount of perspicacity and sagacity it held on its own.... Sanjay Dixit pulled off a marvel while just breaking out the true history.... Be it about the Khilafat movement and Gandhi, World war, Sufism and of course the vanity puffed secularism of the INC.... Buy it without a second thought
Review by - August 20, 2021

1 dose

They say snake is a fearsome reptile. Some say snake is not venom is the cause of fear.but deep down everybody knows that addiction of venom intoxication to get high is the greatest danger. we have been intoxicated with this Venom of myths generation by generation. We have gone so high due to this intoxication that we decide to neglect ground realities and breaking India by Sanjay Dixit is an eye opener and first dose to to detoxify our addiction of this deceat. High on research and low on propaganda. Prescribed to every truth seeker.
Review by - August 20, 2021


It's a must read for all who want understand the reality of partition and what has plagued India after independence. In-depth analysis with proper reference. Thank you Sanjay Sir and Garuda publication.
Review by - August 21, 2021

एक सीधी और सच्ची पुस्तक

यदि अपनी रक्षा करनी है, तो शत्रुओं को जानना आवश्यक है, ठीक उसी प्रकार जैसे रोगाणु का पता चल जाने पर शरीर की रक्षा भी संभव होती है। यह पुस्तक वर्तमान की समस्याओं को तह दर तह खोलती है और इस क्रम में अतीत की प्रवृत्तियों के लगातार दोहराव की तरफ भी इशारा करती है। सनातन, जो कि 2000 साल पहले तक पूरा विश्व था, के सिकुड़ने का एक बड़ा कारण मजहब की मूल प्रवृत्तियों को समझ नहीं पाना है। यह पुस्तक, हमदान के आदेश हों, या उमर का पैक्ट, या जोगेन्द्रनाथ मंडल का पत्र, उन सभी के माध्यम से इस प्रवृत्ति के सच को सामने लाती है और उससे भी बड़ी बात कि वैचारिक युद्ध हेतु तैयार करती है। बर्बर प्रवृत्तियों से सिर्फ हथियारों से लड़ने पर ही विजय नहीं हो सकती, चूँकि उन्हें अंतहीन हमला करना है। अतः, लगातार मूल पर आघात आवश्यक है। यह पुस्तक हमारी सोच को पैना कर हमारी दृष्टि तो दूरदर्शी बनाती है। अत्यंत श्लाघ्य प्रयास। 🙏🙏
Review by - March 13, 2022

Nice book

Please buy
Review by - March 13, 2022


Best book
Review by - March 13, 2022


This book is a compelling page turner. Such historic issues have been so easily described and simple to understand. Sanjay Dixit ji has written a beautiful, essential, need of the hour, truth reciter book. A complete eye opener. Enough to wake up the people still in their long slumber. Quintessential read. I purchased my Hard Cover to complete my collection. Shall recommend ALL rashtravaadis to read thai book. It will change the way you currently have been looking events/ and perpetual issues by the peaceful. Jai hind. VANDE MATARAM
Review by - March 18, 2022

Sanjay Dixit's heroic writing skills

This book feels like a fast-paced action thriller. Can't believe how lucid and fluid and readable the writing is. If this was a fiction and designated as a thriller, Sanjay Dixit would win international awards. One can easily finish reading the entire book in a weekend. Its like a knowledgeable friend casually talking to you!
Review by - June 22, 2022


True and honest content
Review by - July 22, 2022