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First hand account of the times of Rani Laxmi Bai and Tantia Tope

This book immediately caught my eye as its a first hand account of the traveler who survived the gruesome events and conditions of the times around 1857 in Central and Northern Bharat. Its a gripping story around the events that took place during the wars with the British. Even kids enjoyed reading this story. Glad to see this book as a best seller on Garuda. Also happy to note that people are able to see true gems in the books that get published in present day Bharat. Hats off to the author to bring this book out for the English reading crowd.
Review by - February 02, 2022

All Hindus should read this

Sometimes I think why should Hindus get justice at all? I mean seriously, Hindus do not deserve justice. They hate fellow Hindus so much, in the History of Bharat they have drawn swords against other Hindus and worked in favour of foreign separatist forces, that the question keeps coming in my mind. So, even after watching The Kashmir Files when I see my fellow Hindu countrymen raising questions about the bias in the film, my own friends talking about Hindu-Muslim brotherhood etc. I keep asking the question. Why should Hindus get justice at all? This book is a must read for all Hindus simply because it tells us one more time, how the native Bharatiyas helped the British forces plunder different Indian cities post the 1857 revolt. The stories of those massacre by our own countrymen is simply heart wrenching. Not sure whether even Muslim invaders could match that. This is a story of a Hindu Brahmin who went to attend a Yagna at the time Indian revolted against the British. Little did they know what was in store for them. Thanks to that Brahmin Brhmabhat who wrote his story in Marathi, today we know what kind of pogroms, what kind of loot did the British unleash on Indians, followed by our own Indian soldiers in the British army and also from the Nizams troops. A lucid writing style has made those stories even more vivid, more lively. I had to stop reading this book on several occasions as I kept crying at the fate of Indians. So, I was reading a few pages, sometime even one page in one single day and then crying for my fellow Indians. Unfortunately, no one remembers the lost forces. But did our heroes like the Rani of Jhansi, Tatiya Tope or Nanasaheb really lost to British? No, after reading this book, I will say they lost to fellow Indians and mostly to fellow Hindus. I can't believe that the kings like Scindias were against the revolt too. I am heartbroken to read the anecdotes from our first independence war. If all Hindus read this book, they will at least understand why Hindus had been slaves of others for such a long time and still many of us behave like slaves. I must not only congratulate the original Marathi writer who had penned down his account of 1857 war, but despite the huge atrocities he underwent he could pen down such a story; I should also congratulate the English translator who had done a very good job in detailing out the first person account for us. Otherwise this gem would have been lost in Marathi literature.
Review by - March 24, 2022