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5.0 Star

5.0 Ratings & 2 Reviews
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Excellent book

This book is an excellent read. A thriller based on true events that hooks the readers till the end. The writer has done great justice not only to our history but also to the readers time. If you love reading thrillers and also want to learn new things then I will suggest this book, because I have not read too many books like this. One can keep this prized possession in one's library for good. Hats off to the author.
Review by - September 21, 2021

Holding the Grip - An excellent read

The Viper is a must read for readers who like thrillers. Simple and effective language. A fiction yet it simply makes you feel that all episodes narrated should have happened or must happen. In spite of limitations, how can politics and defense together prove "where there is a will, there is a way".
Review by - October 21, 2021