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Did you ever find yourself in a debate where you remember something but just can't figure out the source? Happens with me all the time , Especially when debating about Political History . Now i dont have to worry if i find myself debating about Subash Chandra Bose Ji. This book will be helpful. This book is a collection of archives and interviews of various individuals such as the M.K. Gandhi , the British officials etc. This book talks about the impact the INA had on the end of colonisation in our country and how less of an impact the " Quit India Movement " had. This book does not show anyone (well , except for the Britishers ) in a negetive manner , nor does it compare individuals such as M.K. Gandhi to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. For that there have been several books written , this is not one of them . The book , in places , should have given required context for people to more easily understand what is going on. For example maybe an Index could have been provided to explain in brief what was the August Revolution and many such terms. But if you have paid attention in Class 10 History lessons , you should not have any problems at all. I highly reccomended this book to every one irrespective of your political ideology. Follow @keetabi_keeda on Instagram for more such reviews
Review by - July 31, 2021

Netaji: India's Independence And British Archives

This book is a good attempt and as a Netaji Bhakt myself, I was expecting more concrete proof that the British was forced to leave India. The documents presented in the book, hardly proves that they have left because of Netaji but unfortunately the don't.
Review by - August 04, 2021