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Rajiv Malhotra: Complete Works (AI, BS,AH,BI,BD,IN,SNT)

Rajiv Malhotra: Complete Works (AI, BS,AH,BI,BD,IN,SNT)

by   Rajiv Malhotra (Author)  
by   Rajiv Malhotra (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

Rajiv Malhotra Package

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Book Language Odia
Binding 25
Publishers Amaryllis   HarperCollins   HarperHindi  
Category Rajiv Malhotra Package  
Weight 3,700.00 g
Dimension 16.00 x 4.00 x 24.00

Product Details

Rajiv Malhotra Package:-

Being Different The battle for Sanskrit Indra's Net Breaking India Sanskrit Non-Tranlatables

Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds Academic Hinduphobia
