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Varada Prakashan Pvt Ltd

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Complete Mahabharata in Marathi (Set of 8 Volumes)
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Shivaji Maharaj, The Epoch-Making (Marathi)
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Fictional in Marathi (Set of 3 Volumes)
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Shri Krishna Character (Marathi)
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Comprehensive Text of Shri Ramdas Template (Marathi)
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Abandoned Wetlands (Marathi)
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Mahabharatatil Hajar Sarth Subhashite (Marathi)
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The Ramayana Story (Marathi)
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Five Hundred Sartha Subhashtes From Srimad Bhagavatam (Marathi)
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Sartha Subhashta Gem Segment Approval (Marathi)
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Story of Mahabharata (Marathi)
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Kalidas A Holistic Philosophy (Marathi)
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Kaviraj (Marathi)
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Yatharth Deepika (Marathi)
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Malavikagnimitra (Marathi)
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Malvika (Marathi)
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Music Vikramorvashiya Part 2 (Marathi)
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Vikramorvashiya Part 1 (Marathi)
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Marathi Shakuntala (Marathi)
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Music Shakuntala (Marathi)
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Abhigyan Shakuntala (Marathi)
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Meghaduta Part 2 (Marathi)
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Meghaduta Part 1 (Marathi)
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Kumarasambhava (Marathi)
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Collected Works of Kalidas (Set of 16 Volumes)
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Inverted Erotica with Meaning (Marathi)
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Inverted Antithesis with Meaning (Marathi)
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Inherited Meaningful Policy (Marati)
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Shri Namdev Character (Marathi)
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Sant Tukaram Character (Marathi)
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Hitler (Marathi)
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Sri Niloba Saga (Marathi)
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Shri Eknath Character (Marathi)
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Shri Jnaneshwar Maharaj's Character and Scripture Interpretation (Marathi)
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Devotional Chemistry Done By Sri Madhusudansaraswati (Marathi)
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Vidur Policy, Kannik Policy, Narda, Policy Yaksha Question (Marathi)
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Sreesanth Sister-In-Law's Abortion Story (Marathi)
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Laxmibai Tilak Memory Pictures (Marathi)
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Authentic Translation By Decade (Marathi)
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Dasabodh With Meaning (Marathi)
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Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (Marathi)
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Kabir Character And Couple (Marathi)
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Valmiki Ramayana in Marathi (Set of 3 Volumes)
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Health Benefits with Meaning in Marathi (Set of 10 Volumes)
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Brihat Samhita of Varahamihira (Marathi)
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The Complete Mahabharata in Marathi (Set of 8 Volumes)
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Tukaram Maharaj's Chosen One Thousand Abhangas (Marathi)
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Ritu Sanhar (Marathi)
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Raghuvansh in Marathi (Set of 3 Volumes)
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Verse Of A Hearty Mind With Meaning (Marathi)
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