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Manu Smriti: A Critical Study and Its Relevance in the Modern Times

Manu Smriti: A Critical Study and Its Relevance in the Modern Times

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Short Description

The present book is an effort to bring together all scattered materials related to different topics contained in Manu-Smriti. The book also aims to diffuse many of the doubts related to certain topics contained in Manu-Smriti, such as status of brahmana, shudra and woman.

More Information

ISBN 13 9788124608333
Book Language English
Binding Hardcover
Total Pages 356
Edition 1st edition
Release Year 2015
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author Asha Rani Tripathi
Category Classical   Sociology   Ever Green Shelf Life  
Weight 750.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

Product Details

Manu-Smriti is one of the most coveted and popular works of ancient India. It comprises codes that are needed for an ideal, peaceful and harmonious society. The entire Manu-Smriti revolves around the Vedic concept of rita or dharma. The concepts of purusharthas, ashramas and varnas have their roots in dharma. These concepts were meant to make the life of every member of the society fruitful and purposeful. The codes prescribed by Manu became an authority on ancient laws and were put in practice. The scholars working in different fields of sociology, religion, philosophy, ethics, ancient laws and politics are bound to consult Manu-Smriti for some reason or the other. The present book is an effort to bring together all scattered materials related to different topics contained in Manu-Smriti. The book also aims to diffuse many of the doubts related to certain topics contained in Manu-Smriti, for example, status of brahmana, shudra and woman. The analysis of topics such as human values, raja-dharma and Manu’s codes on crime and punishment has been presented in this book in a lucid style. All these topics bear great relevance even in modern times. The volume tries to maintain the originality of Manu’s concepts through rational and honest approach. The book also includes few modern subjects like economics, ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation that have been dealt by Manu in a scientific manner. This book will benefit all those who want to know about the rules and practices that governed our ancient history, pertaining to all the aspects of human life.