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Kundalini: Stilled or Stirred?

Kundalini: Stilled or Stirred?

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Short Description

This book portrays kundalini from its psycho-physical and spiritual implications and impacts and tries to alleviate some misconceptions about the nature of cakras — the consciousness centres of human body. It deals at length with the phenomena of higher levels of spiritual evolution — “raising the kundalini” and “opening the cakras”.

More Information

ISBN 13 9788124606674
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Total Pages 172
Edition 2nd
Release Year 2017
Publisher D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd.
Author Swami Veda Bharati
Category Philosophy   Yoga   Ever Green Shelf Life  
Weight 270.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 22.00 x 1.80

Product Details

Tantra, an exposition of Sri-vidya, is a thread of Vedic tantu. This ray of the light of consciousness folds upon itself as a coil (kundala) forming the coiled energies of the conscious universe, thus becoming kundalini. This book looks at Tantra from a different perspective against the common view of it being more associated with its carnal/sexual nature. Tantra is the “art of celibacy”. Human beings are a wave in the ocean of Consciousness and this wave passes through our psycho-physiological complex compound, forming the personal kundalini. All sensations in human body are manifestations of the presence of kuõóalinã. Our desires are the signals released by the kundalini. Different psycho-physical apparatuses are plugged into it like electric plugs in different socket. This volume, while portraying kundalini from its psycho-physical and spiritual implications and impacts, tries to alleviate some misconceptions about the nature of cakras — the consciousness centres. It deals at length with the phenomena of higher levels of spiritual evolution — “raising the kundalini” and “opening the cakras” — helping one drop all mental habit patterns to achieve “liberation”. This book is a “must read” for the practitioners of Yoga and all who want to take their spiritual life to a new realm.