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Homoeopathic Guide to Family Health: Your Doctor at Home

Homoeopathic Guide to Family Health: Your Doctor at Home

by   Dr. V.R. Bajaj (Author),   R.K. Tandon (Author)  
by   Dr. V.R. Bajaj (Author),   R.K. Tandon (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

This book covers, in simple language, almost every illness possible. its aim is to give you medical advice at home, 24 hours of the day.

More Information

ISBN 13 978-8186268865
Book Language English
Binding 25
Total Pages 454
Release Year 2019
Publishers Rajendra Maya Publishers  
Category Medicine  
Weight 1,700.00 g
Dimension 22.00 x 3.00 x 29.00

Product Details

Homoeopathic Guide to Family Health: Your Doctor at Home
