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Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders

Heroic Hindu Resistance to Muslim Invaders

by   Sita Ram Goel (Author)  
by   Sita Ram Goel (Author)   (show less)
5.0 Ratings & 1 Reviews
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

It is this version of India's history which gave a good conscience to the British imperialist while he pulverised Hindu society.

More Information

ISBN 13 9788185990187
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Edition 1st, 1994
Publishers Voice of India  
Category Hinduism  
Weight 200.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 22.00

Customer Rating

5.0 Star

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Hindi version of this book

I want this book in hindi
Review by - Lavinder singh , May 29, 2022
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Product Details

It is this version of India's history which gave a good conscience to the British imperialist while he pulverised Hindu society, plundered Hindu wealth and poured undisguised contempt on Hindu culture, It is this version of India's history which emasculated Hindu society and emboldened the residues of Islamic imperialism to stage street riots and then walk away with precious parts of the Hindu homeland, thus consolidating an aggression which had not succeeded even though mounted again and again for more than a thousand years. It is this version of India's history which is being invoked by the fifth-columns of Islam, Christianity, and Communism, each of which looks forward to a final conquest of this country with the help of foreign finances and, if need be, foreign firearms. And it is this version of India's history which is being promoted by power-hungry politicians who woo the Muslim vote-bank while they divide Hindu society into mutually hostile camps.
