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Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

by   Sita Ram Goel (Author)  
by   Sita Ram Goel (Author)   (show less)
Sold By:   Garuda Prakashan

Short Description

Over the past few years, many of Freedom House’s publications, including Freedom in the World, Read more below in the Description...

More Information

ISBN 13 9788185990552
Book Language English
Binding Paperback
Publishing Year 2016
Publishers Voice of India  
Category Voice of India Books  
Weight 300.00 g
Dimension 14.00 x 2.00 x 22.00

Product Details

Over the past few years, many of Freedom House’s publications, including Freedom in the World, Freedom of the Press and Freedom on the Net: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media, have pointed to worrisome declines in freedom of expression in countries around the world. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom of expression is the right of every individual to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. In practice, however, this fundamental human right is frequently restricted through tactics that include censorship, restrictive press legislation, and harassment of journalists, bloggers and others who voice their opinions, as well as crackdowns on religious minorities and other suppression of religious freedom. In response to the growing problem, Freedom House is engaging in a multi-faceted Freedom of Expression Campaign to defend this critical right.
